How To Enter
Follow these steps to compete in this year’s contest:
Make sure you’re eligible to enter. Read the rules to see if you can compete as an individual or school.
Review the contest theme and rules and make your video!
When you’re done, log back into the site and submit your entry.
Once your entry is approved and up on the site, share it with your friends and family and help get your entry into the finals.
And use the hashtag #HereIsMyStory2025 when sharing your entry.
Getting Started
How do you see AI making a difference in your future?
Answer this question in a 2 minute video for your chance to win.
New technology is the cool stuff that hasn’t been around forever – like smartphones, self-driving cars, or robots that can help you with tasks. AI, (or Artificial Intelligence), is like giving computers the ability to think and learn, just like humans. So many good things are possible because of the internet and all things tech. It’s useful for learning, entertaining, it connects us to others far away, it’s amazing! Yet, it’s not perfect, and if new technology (or AI) is used in the wrong way (irresponsibly), it may cause problems for others.
Below are some ideas to help you with your answer:
Research online, explore and understand the possibilities of technology (or AI).
Ask questions Can humans live in harmony with technology (or AI)? What impact is technology (or AI) having on human life?
Listen to what’s being said in the media, and by experts about new technology, AI and the future.
Talk to your friends, teacher(s) and to students in your class about technology and AI.
Let your imagination run wild because the future is yours to shape!
Once you have an answer, then tell us your story. Be funny. Be dramatic. Be creative. Whatever you do, be real.
Create a two-minute video answering our question for a chance to win one of our great prizes. Use live action, stop action, animation, original music, or none.
Don’t forget to read the rules and check out our resources page to help you get started.
Entries must be in English for deciding the winner.
1. Make sure you’re eligible to compete.
If you’re going to compete in the individual student category, you must be 13 or older to enter this contest and currently enrolled in school (K-12, college, university, film school.). If you’re under 18, you’ll need a parent’s or guardian’s approval in order to compete.
If you’re going to compete for your school, you must also be 13 or older to enter OR teachers can register under their own name and help their students to enter the contest.
Read the official rules here.
2. Register on the site.
When you register, you will be able to later submit your entry, and also comment or like other entries.
3. Work on your video.
Before you get started, make sure you know the rules. There are limits such as how long it can be and what content is allowed.
Next, review this year’s question and make sure you answer it in your video! Your video may not be approved if it doesn’t actually answer the question.
Plan out your video. Be funny. Be dramatic. Be creative. Use live action, stop action, animation, music or none. Whatever you do, be real.
Be as creative as you can!
And don’t use any material (music, images, sounds, costumes, etc.) that is not your original work, unless you have the permission to do so. Make it your own and respect the work of others! If you’re using music, images or sounds created by someone else, make sure it doesn’t violate any copyright rules.
Need some help? Check out these great resources.
Need some inspiration? Take a look at who’s won in the past.
4. Submit your video by the entry deadline.
PLEASE NOTE: Be sure your video meets all of the rules below BEFORE you submit it, otherwise it will not be allowed into the contest. Make sure you answer this year’s question and any narration can clearly be heard over any background music.
Once you’re ready to submit it, log back into the site and follow the steps for uploading your entry. It will then be reviewed. You’ll get an email that will either confirm your entry has been approved or will ask you to edit and re-submit it. And don’t wait until the last minute. If you have to edit it for some reason, leave yourself enough time to do that. All entries MUST be submitted by the deadline to be considered for the contest.
Before you submit it, make sure your video is:
- your own original work
- submitted in one of the following formats: .wmv, .mov or .mp4
- a minimum of 30 seconds to a maximum of 2 minutes in length
- a maximum of 100 MB in size.
- adheres to COVID-19 public health restrictions
- respectful of copyrights and respectful of others. Make sure you have permission to use other people’s music, company logos, images, or photos. For more tips on this, check out our Resources.
Some other tips:
- Make sure your video answers the question for this year’s contest.
- If your video contains images, music, information, or sounds originally created by someone else, make sure you have permission to use it. List your sources in your entry description (which is shown at the bottom of your entry description) or include it in your video credits.
- Check your audio. If you’re using background music with a voice speaking over it, make sure the voice can be heard clearly over the music or background sounds.
5. Share your video.
This contest is about having a great message, but it’s also about being a good messenger. So share your message with as many people as you can until Feb 6, 2024! Let your friends, family, neighbors, classmates, and others know about your video. Share it on social media, websites, email, text or in person! Remember: views and hearts from each of your fans will be used to determine the finalists. Encourage them to register on the site so they can give your entry a heart or leave a comment, too.
Dates to remember:
- Entry Deadline: Feb 6, 2024
- Rating and Comment Period Deadline: Feb 13, 2024
- Finalists notified: on or about Feb 20, 2024
- Winners Announced: on or about Mar 5, 2024
- 3 Grand Prizes:
- $10,000 awarded to one student entry, of which $5,000 will go to the student and $5,000 will go to the student’s school.
- $5,000 awarded to one school entry from Canada.
- $5,000 awarded to one school entry from the United States
- Runner-Up Prizes:
- 4 prizes of $1,000 each will go to 2 individual student entries and 2 school entries.
- Honorable Mentions: To be selected at the discretion of the judges and listed on the contest site
Be safe and good luck!
Still have questions? Contact us!